Second Places, Too

The reason I’m blogging every day this November is because the lovely Catherine and I sort of challenged each other to on twitter. We were both kind of looking for an excuse to write more, and took the chance to do it in a low pressure way.

I don’t know if any of you have been following Catherine’s blog posts, but they are continuously delightful and thought provoking. Today’s post, especially, connected with me in a lot of ways.

Theatre kids don't know how to pose
for a picture without being crazy.
No complaints.
In it Catherine talks about the concept of a third place. A place that isn’t home or work, but somewhere more solid and intimate that feels comfortable in a way that doesn’t have to be formal (with your boss hovering over your shoulder) or informal (with the pajamas and the Netflix and such.)

I love this idea. I love the idea of finding spaces that feel shared and comfortable and social, but not in a high stress way. I use the internet for this a lot (hellooooooo twitter friends!) but I’ve felt myself missing some of this since I came to Salisbury.

The Co-Op full of noise and full of yummy food.
At Hiram I had definite third places. I could sit in the co-op for hours and hours, surrounded by people and feel wonderful. I could sit in the theatre building while my friends attempted to build magnificent sets and memorize scripts and drink obnoxious amounts of energy drinks and flat soda. 

I don’t feel those connections to places yet at Salisbury, though I’m trying to find them. I’m working for the newspaper, but that’s more portfolio building then social-life building. I’m loving the Hillel kids (who are sitting around me, arguing about a movie to watch while I attempt to finish typing out my thoughts) but it’s not the same as a place.

I’m missing those places and the people that come with them. I’m trying to find them, and I guess I’ll keep searching. I’m gonna keep relaying on the online communities I’ve forged, and the friendships and places I’ve left, but not left behind.

Who knows? Maybe my new place is right around the corner. 

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